Monday, November 28, 2011

New Missal Reactions

Well, our six Masses this past weekend went of without a hitch.  Our parishioners were great.

In reading some blogs (usually by "professional" church-types), you'd get the impression that the new translation is hideous.  But I think we prof-churches get too critical and enclosed in our own little orbits.  The world of Catholic laypeople is much larger than our own.  And, in many ways, more understanding.

I admire my parishioners.  I was needlessly worried about their reactions.  But they were so graceful.  (Many want to learn more, so ongoing catechesis is a must.)  It opened the door to alot of sincere (inquiring  not hostile) "whys" that became great teachable moments.

And so, Catholic laity, ..... thanks for rising so well to the challenge and for giving such a good example to us 'white collars'!

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